Horace Dorlan
Klimowski Andrzej Translator: Betsos George Pages: 240 Shape: 16.5 x 24 ISBN: 978-960-6760-95-2 Price: 18.10 €
::. Art
::. Coffee Table Books
::. Contemporary Foreign Authors ::. Science Fiction
Published: April 2009
The musicians relished the experience of working with a scientist ... They did not pretend to understand the scientific jargon... but the way Dorlan delivered the text was inspirational – it was like listening to a poet reading verse in a foreign language…
Preparing to deliver a lecture in Pisa, Horace Dorlan plans to incorporate music and performance into his scientific presentation. On the eve of his big event, however, strange things start to happen. Where, for instance, is his wife, why is there a miniature musical quintet in his room, and what of the accident that afflicted him? Horace Dorlan is Klimowski's first work to incorporate text into his visual narratives and is a darkly imaginative tour de force.

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