What is the meaning of Cult in Art today? We do not live in the sixties and seventies we live in the era of globalized art production, the era when every tiny part of real life is liable to be turned into a commodity and be sold to the global market, the era when culture is menaced not by bad taste as such but by the storm of commercial art «goodies». Cult today means more simply an extravagant, an eccentric, a non-conservative reading of the Real and less what it meant some forty years ago: a diffusion of the art product through non mainstream channels and, in most cases, a revolutionary reading of the Real. We are not living at the hip time when some interesting studies were published on the matter like: Μario Mafi 's La Cultura Underground (publ.: 1971,) or Dick Hebdige's, Subculture, the meaning of style (publ.: Methuen 1979) – and masterful works like those of Ηerbert Read ( To Hell with Culture publ.: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1963) or of Walter Benjamin ( The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, publ.: 1936). Most of the works of the kind (with the exception of Benjamin), today, though not exactly out of date, they have only historic interest. This is the concept upon which we, in Topos books, have built our Cuλt Stories Series.
And, it is very encouraging to find out that young people, young readers, seem to understand perfectly well this concept. There's an interesting comment that we found here, in the blog of the Athens Video Festival, which we think apprehends from a fresh point of view these ideas on the use of Cult. You should read it! |