General Manager Vaggelis Georgakakis (to the right in the photo) and the Publications Manager, literary editor in chief, author Aris Maragkopoulos held a Press conference, on November 20, to explain the programme and the perspectives of Topos Books for the period 2007 - 2008. With them present were authors Kostas Zotopoulos, Neoklis Galanopoulos, Katerina Chryssanthopoulou, Thanassis Scroubelos as well as members of the Board of the mother company Motibo S.A.: President Damianos Hatzikokkinos and Vice President Kostas Vaxevanis.

 Photos: Evi FylaktouFrom left to right: Neoklis Galanopoulos (author of murder stories), Katerina Chryssanthopoulou (author of poetic novels dealing with man woman relationships), Thanassis Scroubelos (author of political novels) and a ...lecturing Aris Maragkopoulos during Topos meeting with the Greek media. |